Healthy for Life...
Every day, eat high quality whole foods to provide an abundance of nutrients, chosen from each of the following four groups....
ANIMAL FOODS: Meat and organ meats, poultry, and eggs from pastured animals; fish and shellfish; whole raw cheese, milk and other dairy products from pastured 1 animals; and broth made from animal bones.
GRAINS, LEGUMES & NUTS: Whole-grain baked goods, breakfast porridges, whole grain rice; beans and lentils; peanuts, cashews and nuts – all properly prepared to improve digestibility
VEGETABLES & FRUIT: Fresh or frozen, preferably locally grown, either raw, cooked or in soups and stews, and also as lacto-fermented condiments.
FATS & OILS: Unrefined saturated and monounsaturated fats including butter, lard, meat fats, poultry fat and other animal fats; palm and coconut oils; olive oil; cod liver oil for vitamins A and D.
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