Friday, October 23, 2015



All cultures, from all over the world, eat animal foods, usually on a daily basis. Animal products include:

RED MEAT like beef, lamb, pork, buffalo and game

ORGAN MEATS like liver, bone marrow and kidney

POULTRY like chicken, turkey, duck and goose, including the skin

FISH like salmon, trout, halibut, tilapia and sole

SHELLFISH like crab, lobster, shrimp, oysters and mussels

EGGS fixed scrambled, fried, boiled, poached, in omelets, and
added to other foods

WHOLE MILK and dairy products like cheese and yogurt

Animal foods supply important nutrients that we cannot get from other foods. These nutrients include:

COMPLETE PROTEIN for building the body

VITAMIN B12 for healthy blood and brain

VITAMIN A for healthy eyes, skin and brain

VITAMIN D for protection against depression and disease

VITAMIN K2 for healthy blood, bones and brain

CHOLESTEROL for building the brain and intestinal tract in
growing children

SPECIAL TYPES OF FATS for normal growth, learning and memory, and protection against disease

Animal foods are also better sources of many nutrients than plant foods. These nutrients include:

CALCIUM for healthy bones

COPPER for healthy blood

MAGNESIUM for healthy cells

IRON for healthy blood and good energy

ZINC for healthy brains and protection against infection

VITAMIN B6 for freedom from disease

These are important nutrients for building a healthy body and keeping it strong!

foods to avoid & Healthy Choices

These foods can cause many health problems including poor growth in children, learning disabilities and behavior problems, allergies, asthma, arthritis, heart disease, cancer and auto-immune problems.

foods to avoid

Polyunsaturated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils used in processed foods, chips, snack foods, cookies, pastries, for cooking oils and for fried foods, which science has shown to cause numerous serious health problems.

Foods containing refined sweeteners such as candies, sodas, cookies, ice cream and cakes.

White flour products such as pasta, white bread, rolls and bagels.

Processed foods and fast foods containing many additives, including MSG and hydrolyzed vegetable protein; these are poisonous to the nervous system and can cause weight gain.

Modern soy foods, such as soy protein, soy protein isolate, soy milk, tofu and hydrolyzed vegetable protein, which can cause digestive problems, hormone disruption and thyroid disease.

Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (Equal and Nutrasweet) and sucralose (Splenda), which are added to diet sodas and weight loss foods. These are toxic to the nervous system and may even cause weight gain.

Stimulating foods containing caffeine and caffeine-like substances, such as coffee, tea, sodas, energy drinks and chocolate.

Healthy Choices

INSTEAD OF vegetable oil, margarine, spreads and vegetable shortening, use butter, lard, bacon drippings, meat fats, olive oil and coconut oil.

INSTEAD OF foods containing refined sweeteners such as candies, sodas, cookies, ice cream and cakes, use natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup to make homemade cookies, ice cream and other nutritious desserts.

INSTEAD OF white flour products such as pasta, white bread, rolls and bagels, use whole grain sourdough or sprouted grain breads and minimize white flour products.

INSTEAD OF processed foods and fast foods containing many additives like MSG and hydrolyzed vegetable protein, use natural home-cooked foods, real herbs and spices, and sauces made from homemade bone broths.

INSTEAD OF modern soy foods, such as soy protein, soy protein isolate, soy milk, tofu and hydrolyzed vegetable protein, drink whole raw milk and eat nourishing foods like cheese, eggs and meat.

INSTEAD OF polyunsaturated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils for cooking and for fried foods,. use butter and olive oil, and cook in healthy traditional fats like lard, poultry fat, butter, ghee and tallow.

INSTEAD OF lowfat and diet foods, use whole, natural foods that contain the fats you need to prevent overeating and maintain a healthy metabolism.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Healthy for Life...

Healthy for Life...

Every day, eat high quality whole foods to provide an abundance of nutrients, chosen from each of the following four groups....

ANIMAL FOODS: Meat and organ meats, poultry, and eggs from pastured animals; fish and shellfish; whole raw cheese, milk and other dairy products from pastured 1 animals; and broth made from animal bones.

GRAINS, LEGUMES & NUTS: Whole-grain baked goods, breakfast porridges, whole grain rice; beans and lentils; peanuts, cashews and nuts – all properly prepared to improve digestibility

VEGETABLES & FRUIT: Fresh or frozen, preferably locally grown, either raw, cooked or in soups and stews, and also as lacto-fermented condiments.

FATS & OILS: Unrefined saturated and monounsaturated fats including butter, lard, meat fats, poultry fat and other animal fats; palm and coconut oils; olive oil; cod liver oil for vitamins A and D.