Friday, October 23, 2015



All cultures, from all over the world, eat animal foods, usually on a daily basis. Animal products include:

RED MEAT like beef, lamb, pork, buffalo and game

ORGAN MEATS like liver, bone marrow and kidney

POULTRY like chicken, turkey, duck and goose, including the skin

FISH like salmon, trout, halibut, tilapia and sole

SHELLFISH like crab, lobster, shrimp, oysters and mussels

EGGS fixed scrambled, fried, boiled, poached, in omelets, and
added to other foods

WHOLE MILK and dairy products like cheese and yogurt

Animal foods supply important nutrients that we cannot get from other foods. These nutrients include:

COMPLETE PROTEIN for building the body

VITAMIN B12 for healthy blood and brain

VITAMIN A for healthy eyes, skin and brain

VITAMIN D for protection against depression and disease

VITAMIN K2 for healthy blood, bones and brain

CHOLESTEROL for building the brain and intestinal tract in
growing children

SPECIAL TYPES OF FATS for normal growth, learning and memory, and protection against disease

Animal foods are also better sources of many nutrients than plant foods. These nutrients include:

CALCIUM for healthy bones

COPPER for healthy blood

MAGNESIUM for healthy cells

IRON for healthy blood and good energy

ZINC for healthy brains and protection against infection

VITAMIN B6 for freedom from disease

These are important nutrients for building a healthy body and keeping it strong!


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